May 2, 2008

Blog Boy

Sorry i haven't blogged. I have been busy with my burn and of course... TAKS. I have had a good week. I will post some pics!!!

April 28, 2008

TAKS, Leg, And a green monster!!!


The Taks is tomorow and I'm scared!!! I really want to pass!!! Please Keep In PRAYERS!!!


I went to school today and my leg was bumped and shoved!!! It hurt like crazy!!!


Everyone Knows I Love To act!!! Well Blaine Was In A play That Hit Broadway!!! And They Didn't Invite me!!! I know ad they didn't even invite me to he performance!! I'm so sad!!! I love Spearman but It's not the same!!! i reallyloved it in Plainview!!! I loved my friends!!! ANd I had such a great oppertunity to act!!! I would be so much more satisfied if i could do more plays! I mean i can't act!!! And most of all I can't play football!!! My dad won't let me!! And my only chance to act as when i was sick so i missed the audition!! I mean fooball and heater are my life!!! So if yall hear of auditons tell me!!! And for you directors Near Spearman Comment on my website and i'l send you my resume and card!!!

April 27, 2008

The TAKS Test

This Wednesday is... The TAKS Test!!!
I think i'm ready!!! i was the first 100 on the practice TAKS last week!!! I hope I pass this test!!!
I'm so glad it's almost summer!!! I have all my bingo's made and I'm working on the " series of unfortunate events". I read the first one 2 days ago it was good!!! Our teacher said school would be pretty relaxed after the TAKS. So all I have to do is survive this week and then we can relax and just wait till summer!!! 26 days till summer and we only have to go to school for 20 more days!!!


I've been tagged which basically means I now have to write 7 interesting things about myself. Now I know everyone is so eager to read about my weird interests.
Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger. Post the rules
2. Share 7 facts about yourself (random and weird)
3. Tag 7 friends
4. Leave a comment letting them know they've been "tagged."

1. My favorite pastime - Reading. I can read for hours. Especially a good book.
2. My weakness is o'm told i can't perticipate in a sports event.
3. I love the smell of baby powder.
4. I enjoy watching anything on the Food channel although my favorite is Rachael Ray and Barefoot contessa.
5. I do not enjoy to watch baseball (i'd rather be playing)
6. I enjoy lots and lots of friends. I love seeing action movies with my friend Colton
7. Definite favorite food is Barbeque, I'm a meat boy!!!

Now I tag:
Gi Gi

2nd degree burn (part 2)

Hey Guys,

It's Sunday and i'm still recovering from my incident!!! My dad got in from abiliene yesterday and was totally disgusted by my battle burn!!! But, then again everyone is!!! well yall should comment because I never hear from yall!!!